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Aluminium Master Alloy

Aluminium master alloys are also reffered to as a “hardners”, as they are added to strengthen the alloy.

Aluminum’s mechanical and physical properties are enhanced with the use of alloying elements. These alloying elements are commonly referred to as hardeners.

Aluminum-based master alloys which contain the hardener elements in high concentrations, provide a convenient and economical way to add them to aluminum to achieve desired properties.

These master alloys readily go into solution at lower liquid aluminum temperatures, thus minimizing dross formation and solubility of hydrogen. Lower furnace temperatures also mean reduced energy consumption and longer furnace life.

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Providing J-I-T delivery at industry driving costs

Risk Management in terms of price volatility

Customizing supply as per customer requirements


Some of the Aluminium master alloy like AlMn, AlTi, AlCu , etc are used in automotive body structure, aerospace, military vehicle

Automotive Body Structure

Military Vehicle


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